Karma was more than happy to snuggle with me on my chair last night with the new ocean blue throw--hehe! She spent a lot of the night being extra cuddly.

Speaking of whiny voices...this is what Karma does when she wants to be let out on the porch this time of year when it is colder and she's not fully convinced she wants to go out for sure. She sits there in silence in front of the porch door with her ears back until I notice her.
She has learned not to cry and carry on to go out if she is not absolutely sure. If she tries to change her mind when I open the door (which she started to do endlessly when she was young and foolish)--she found out I will catch her and carry her over and out the door she will go whether she wants to or not anymore--snow, rain, whatever. So--Karma sits there silently on days she isn't sure--hoping if she changes her mind when the door swings open and the cold air hits her that I'll give her some leeway since she didn't insist and make her intent totally clear. She knows if she cries and bugs me about it--there's no going back. Not even hiding under the bed--ROFL! I do give her leeway when she's polite about it...but you can see how it annoys her to be courteous and patient.
Speaking of--has been 20-30s at night and 40s to almost 50 during the day the last few days. And there has been SUN!! tada! Nice! Nice! But that means it is really chilly out there during the night and is only nicer in the afternoons for a few hours. Hence Karma's dilemma--hehe! No wonder she loves the nicer weather when I can leave the porch doors open and she can come and go as she pleases. Those days are probably over for about six months now.
Right now it is 11:30am and 33 degrees. Karma hasn't been sitting by the door yet--chuckle! Smart girl. Guess I'll get ready for Caroline and see how the day unfolds. :):)

Speaking of--has been 20-30s at night and 40s to almost 50 during the day the last few days. And there has been SUN!! tada! Nice! Nice! But that means it is really chilly out there during the night and is only nicer in the afternoons for a few hours. Hence Karma's dilemma--hehe! No wonder she loves the nicer weather when I can leave the porch doors open and she can come and go as she pleases. Those days are probably over for about six months now.
Right now it is 11:30am and 33 degrees. Karma hasn't been sitting by the door yet--chuckle! Smart girl. Guess I'll get ready for Caroline and see how the day unfolds. :):)
And here I thought Karma was waiting for something extra special in the mail. :)
I gave you an award today over at my blog. :)
Karma's special mail sits out where she can see it any time she chooses. She's so vain--hehe!
Thanks so much for the mention and award! I don't know anything about awards or what to do with them--if there is anything you even do with them? I see you have several on the side of your blog. Yours are well deserved, I must say, Ig. Thanks Mr. Intense! :) :)
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