New pictures of the house...

I see they don't have the roof completed yet. Soon, I would think? It has been beautiful out for days--in the 20s! They should be able to zip along, eh?
Well, I have Caroline coming this morning to clean--and then Leah and her sister, Ariel, are coming to craft this afternoon. Dagan flew to Nashville yesterday. I hope he is having a nice time. I am using the laptop and hope Leah can fix the desk computer this afternoon.
And I plan to have bread put together and rising before Caroline gets here.
I got sidetracked yesterday cleaning and sorting my Netflix stuff. I have had a spiral notebook that I write down movie titles in--when I see them on previews or on commercials on TV. Been using it for at least two years--what a scribbly mess. Since I had the laptop out--I sat and looked up every movie on my list. Some I had listed twice. Some I could order now and some were still not available yet and a made a new list. I removed all the "instant watch" movies from my online list and made a list of those, too. Looked up how many DVDs there were for the various series I want to see and wrote those down--so I can check them off as I see each DVD and remember where I was. Ended up puttering with that all morning and afternoon.
I know--I know--very, very OCD of me, isn't it?
And by the time I got done with that--too late to make bread and was too sore to do anything else anyways. So--bread this morning. And then I can work on the stamping while Leah and Ariel work on sealing Leah's set of boxes. :) Later...
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