Karma spent most of the day sleeping under the covers at the foot of the bed--one of her favorite escape snooze spots.

I guess you can't look at profiles on Facebook unless you are a member--which makes sense because maybe that is why I joined up in the first place, so I could see Denis's profile in Northern Ireland when he sent me an invite (pen pal I had lost touch with). Since I have been active on it just lately (Osa requested pictures) I am amazed at how many people I know are on Facebook! I have been hearing from all kinds of people! Even Cristina, my pen pal from Argentina--and my sister and Leah are on there! Who knew?!
I guess I will figure it out eventually. Right now--I am working on keeping a facebook "farm". Jolene and Karen got me started on the farm game. Took me a while to even start to figure it out--chuckle! I used up a lot of time on the computer the last couple days with facebook--but it has been fun! I might only be able to check in for any length of time just here and there, but I'll be sure and keep up with it. You can just pop in and write a line to say what you are up to or that you're still alive and kicking--hehe! Like I need anything else to draw me back for more computer time, right? ROFL!
Anyways, this is supposed to be the warmest day for the next three days--23 degrees! Cloudy and possible snow flurries every day, too--and back down into the single digits by Wednesday again. The sandy beach looks pretty good right now--hehe!
Have a great day!! :):)
Glad to here you got Facebook figured out a little :) I have been on Facebook for awhile and when I joined blogger I was really confused (still am sometimes) but I guess everything just takes some getting used to. Do your pictures ever do funny things you didn't tell them to do on blogger? That seems to happen to me a lot. It is the way I want it and then when you post it has random line breaks or something....drives me crazy sometimes!
I think it will take me a while to figure out facebook--hehe! I have sometimes had pictures flip sideways on blogger when I load them? I have to load it again. If it flips sideways yet again--then I go to the picture in my files on my computer and rotate it and then rotate it back to normal and then load it up on blogger and it has always been okay. If that makes any sense to you?
I lose my paragraph breaks almost all the time. That is very frustrating, but I guess I've gotten used to it by now. I've been on Blogger for over two years and would hate to try and change now. It was simple enough for me to figure out when I started--hehe!
LOL at Karma under the blanket...my Cody does that sometimes but then, I worry that he's not getting enough air. lol
I have been on facebook for ages but don't really get that involved in it as I'm so busy with other things....it's a great way to communicate though.
Just know that you don't have to accept every little 'add it' that people send you unless you want to.
I did at first, too--but she can sleep all afternoon under there!
I already figured that out--about only responding to what I have time for. My time is limited and I don't want to use it ALL up at the computer every day--I'd never get other fun things done--hehe! You're absolutely right! :)
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