Karma and I are barely moving. Here she is sitting in my chair with me during the night watching the X Files.

Anyways--will now be in total collapse mode for a few days. The Mucinex seems to be helping so far. I slept for five hours--so tired I was in bed at 8pm!! And I am heading back to lie down again here pretty soon. Am slowly on the mend but--sleep--I need sleep! You get really punchy and spacey when you have been going on little sleep for days and days. Wish me luck! I am hoping to be dozing as much as I can for the next few days. :):)
Good for you....rest up and take things easy ~
I have been sleeping and sleeping! And plan to continue resting for the next couple days--until the coughing goes away. Much less than it was, thank goodness! This is some terrible crud going around. Several people have told me how this stuff lingers on, too. So, I will be good. :):)
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