Here's my awesome cherry wood spinning thingie. I think I've had it close to ten years and would be lost without it now. It holds my current magazines and books I am reading, bookmarks, ballpoint pen for writing on shiny paper, markers, lip gloss...
...the remotes, my list of goals for the year, a couple sizes of cut paper that fit inside cards along with their writing guides and a clipboard, and my leather small legal pad holder.
I have a little table on the other side with my two cups of pens, Puffs, scratch paper, camera, and a wooden napkin holder that I use to hold all my bookcards that are in progress. (I often have more than one going at the same time--hehe!)Here's Miss Karma--wondering why I was spinning the thingie around and taking pictures of it.
She gets that tinge of worry on her face when I do anything out of the ordinary from our very quiet daily life. No wonder she has turned into such an "old lady" cat. She lives with me--hehe! Not exactly the fast paced life when you wake up on a good day feeling like you haven't slept and you have a bad case of the flu aches along with a smattering of sharp joint pains--ROFL!! Thank God I have a great sense of humor. I am still chuckling!
Have a great day!! :):)
I think what you see as "tinge of worry" is actually "traces of envy" because you know she just wants to sit in/on it and get spun around and around until she's dizzy...
Hehehe! But she's a little dizzy already, I think--ROFL! Seriously, tho--she does like to be spun slowly around in chairs--but not fast, of course. Chuckle--chuckle! :)
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