I finally got a little something extra done yesterday. Got the green paper cut for the base of our Christmas cards--tada!

We'll be working on the Christmas cards and using the new toy, of course. :) Leah wanted to stop and pick up dinner--and I got to pick! Pitas!! Yummy! What a treat! So--since I have been up later and sleeping later and didn't get up until "noon-thirty"....guess I'd better get moving, eh?
Oh--unusual--we have quite the mystery going on up here. A periodontist was struck down and killed in his home two nights ago--the place was ransacked--and his 1999 silver Porsche boxter convertible is gone from the garage--ND license plate "2 KRYSIS". This is a car rarely seen in the Midwest because it is a car that doesn't function well on snow and ice. (That's what the police said.) I suppose since it wasn't the usual knifing between friends that we have in the poorer sections of town, this is big news. Be a hard car to hide on the road. Anyways, I find it interesting that this is plastered all over the news. They really want to find that car and the person or person's who killed the dentist.
Okay--really have to go now. Hope it is sunny where you are--or rainy if you need rain. :):)
The world is a crazy, violent place when someone murders a dentist in his own home and then steals his "highly visible" car.
I hope they catch this idiot soon.
It seems like such a crazy crime. Now they know there was a truck and flatbed used to remove the Porsche! ?? Makes you think there must have been more than one person involved. I wonder if they will ever find out? I'll let you know if I hear. Sounds like something that could end up on one of those shows like 48 Hours! tsk! tsk! And in Fargo noless--hehe!
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