Finally began to feel more back to normal yesterday--moving again. I was thinking--this was like being sick in slow motion--ROFL! Took forever to finally settle in and forever to leave. Caroline had the flu--and it was a bad one with dry heaves and misery. She said everybody was sick at the college--even professors were out for days--with either the flu or this debilitating cold thing. She said that at least with the flu she was sick and then over it. The people who caught this cold were sick for weeks and dragging around half alive. So--it wasn't just me and my fibro, etc. Altho that certainly doesn't help--hehe! I always seem to take longer to recover.
Sleeping decently most nights is helping now. I'm loving being on days again. Bed at midnight and up at 8am--ahh! Perfect!! And a warmer morning! 36 degrees--possible snow for days, I guess. Nothing here yet. What we had melted away--poof!
Anyways, I was actually able to do a little bit of catching up with emails and blog comments yesterday. I am hoping to be able to read some of my favorite blogs today. :) I am missing at least a week!
I finally tried my hand at my first post on Etsy, too--TaDa! Waited until I heard back from Leah this morning to see if she approved and could give me hints and instruction. I still don't quite understand the tags and such. I'll get it. I will. :) It's cool that Leah can go back and change things--we can both work on the account. Awesome! I'll work on posting some more bookmarks this afternoon. Soooo glad I am finally able to get something extra done again!! Whee!
Miss Karma seemed really glad that I was finally spending some time at the computer again, too--hehe! (Mornings when I blog don't count for Karma as she is too busy eating her tablespoon of canned food, walking about telling me what happened while I was sleeping, and wanting to go out on the porch to check out the day.)

A good morning!
Have a great day!! :):)
I'm glad you are getting Etsy figured out.
And awwwwww, that last picture of of Karma is soooooooo sweet! I think she's going let you hang around despite only getting one tablespoon of canned food...I really do!
Hi Iggy!
I worked all day off and on with the Etsy posts and revising. I'm getting the hang of it at least. :) But that took up all my good hours today and I never got to read blogs. :( I want to get over and see what you've been up to. Maybe tomorrow, I hope.
Hey, if I gave Karma more than her tablespoon of canned food, she'd completely lose her girlish figure! ROFL! :):)
I agree those pics of Karma are the best! :) She just looks so happy and content like you said. Also, yeah, she only gets a one tablespoon of canned cat food each morning as a treat because Rita spoils her. She also has her unlimited amount of dry cat food to eat throughout the day and night. Plus another of her favorites, the dry cat food disguised as treats! ;) She's one lucky cat, living the high life... ;D
Karma, I never thought that YOU would become addicted to Pillars of the Earth. I forgot to warn you although I did warn that person allowed to share your apartment.
What a cute kitty. :) She's gorgeous. I have a puppy who also thinks the main focus should be him. What on earth would I want to do that wouldn't involve playing with him?
Leah--too bad you and Dagan don't get to see this normal side of her--hehe! Yes--she obviously does not lack for food. Me, either! :):)
Ruby--I am glad you are finally getting the hang of how to post comments on my blog--tada! Yup! Karma loves Pillars, too--but for different reasons--hehe!
Hello Erica!
I saw your puppy on your blog and he looks huge! Looks like you have an online writing group on a blog. Does that work well? Are you the one who runs the blog? Writing kept me sane when I was young. What a great idea--a group writing blog. :):)
That last picture is soooooooo darned cute!
Glad to hear you're feeling a lot better. I'm finally starting to show some improvement after starting the antibiotics.
Well done to you on your first ETSY post. It's always a little scary at first but you will fast get the hang of it.
Hi Serena,
I sure hope you are LOTS better by now. I have been away for a few days--overdid it shopping with Leah (but so glad I did--hehe!). Am hoping to get back to more posting pretty soon. Was getting the hang of it. :):)
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