Rita's Ramblings: a basically house-bound woman in Fargo, North Dakota blogging for friends, family, and anybody who finds it interesting. I talk about art or craft projects, my grandsons (Ian and Liam), the weather, movies, books, health, and whatever happens to be going on in my life. Welcome!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I had begun to wonder if Peggy was pregnant after all, or just getting fat. Instead of hiding, she was getting more aggressive and confident? Turned out that she was one of those women in denial--big time. Didn't know or couldn't face the fact she was having a baby. We've all read about women who go into the hospital for stomach pains and are actually in labor. I suppose there was a lot more reason for being in total denial back then, too. Looked like she wasn't going to keep it. Wouldn't even hold it. Seemed in total shock. And she had just been promoted--a women--to junior copywriter!! Wow! Some of the storylines are sooo good!
The other storyline, that was so interesting to me, was the perfect wife, Betty. She wants more from life. Had been going to this psychiatrist (one of the ones who never talk) because she had been having episodes where her hands would shake terribly--had crashed the car into a bird bath in somebody's front yard. Found out her husband was secretly calling the shrink to find out what she was saying in her sessions!!! She and her husband Don never confront each other. So what does she do? She goes to her usual psychiatrist appointment and talks about how she knows her husband cheats on her! Knowing full well the psychiatrist will tell hubby, Don. Sneaky! But very smart! Hubby can't bring it up without revealing what he's been up to--and she is stirring the pot to see what he will do.
I suppose I find the show so fascinating because I was growing up during this time period. They said they will get more into the 60s in future shows, of course. I was just a kid in 1960 (born in 1951) but I remember those cheerful Kennedy Ads--was the first election I actually remember. Most everybody who lived back then remembers where they were and what they were doing when Kennedy was shot a few years later. I'd love to see this show on for many years! I want to see Women's Liberation hit that office and a few of those marriages--hehe!
Well, that's it for Mad Men for me for a while. Those of you who have cable can watch it on AMC. They must be showing season two? Or they already showed half of it before the writer's strike or something. I googled it and it looked like they have showed six episodes of season two?
It was supposed to get up to 90 yesterday. I'm not sure if it did. Never checked the weather report. Supposed to be the same today. Just been closed up with the AC on all night and day over here. Summer is back for a bit.
I went back and looked on the AMC sight online--curiosity. It looks like they are running a marathon of six episodes tonight! Must have gotten half a season done before the writer's strike and this might be a catch-up before they show more new ones in September? As long as they are still on, I'm happy.
Cable channels have really been doing the best work lately. Almost makes me want to get cable again....but I'd have way less money to buy my art & craft supplies again. :( It's about $50-60 a month up here in Fargo. That's why I have Netflix, I guess--hehe!
Well, today? I am back to the old X-Files shows. :)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Well, I finished painting the first tracing yesterday.
Friday, August 29, 2008
She left shortly after I bothered her--chuckle!
I finished Psyche season one yesterday. I have the rest of Mad Men season one here now to watch from Netflix, so I just have to watch that next, of course--hehe! After that, I'll start the Gilmore Girls. :)
I plan to keep puttering away on the flower & bird paintings. I paint a little, let it dry, go back, and paint a little more. It is SO wonderful to sit at the table with the windows open and feel the crisp breeze and the warm sun. I just love fall!! I find myself singing to Karma and humming to myself--ahhh!
I hope you have a singing, humming day, too!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
...a workman walking across the parking lot and into the building...
Definitely not something you see every day. They must have been fixing something in the garages? That is where they came from. ??
Another plant (besides the cat grass) I am going to continue to dry for making handmade paper...
...the aquarium plant that will not stop growing. It covers the top of the tank and blocks the light for the rest of the plants. The cool thing is that it stays green, like the grass does, when it is dry. Very tough, tho. I'll have to cut it into little pieces to add it to the pulp.
I have to lay it on the counter on the side of the kitchen where Karma is too fat to jump all the way up on the counter--hehe! She eats this stuff right up, I discovered, if I leave it anywhere where she can reach it. I forgot and left some (more than this time!) lying on some newspaper on the floor by the aquarium one time. Next morning--all gone. Every last little speck of it! And yet she won't eat cat food with slices or big chunks in it--just licks the gravy off of it. Silly cat! :)
We had rain last night, but it is a beautiful green morning. And the wind has died down!! Hurray! It was so windy yesterday that the cement building shook with the gusts (40mph). Ah--life in North Dakota--hehe!
Have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
...she immediately took the chair.
Donn, from the Chinese Brush Painting online group, had asked me how I made the bookcards and if he could buy one. I just sent him one. One of the bookcards that happened to have the green paper inside with the faint stripes on it. Donn used it for painting!
I never would have thought to use a bookcard to draw or paint in--hehe! He loved the green paper and said it didn't bleed through using the brush pen--wanted to know where to get it. Was just colored business paper I got at Office Max. So, I decided to send him a little surprise! This bookcard has a handmade paper cover--made from a green flier from the office here and some of Karma's cat grass--hehe!
There were 26 little pages, one side. He already got it in the mail, so I can post pictures. Says he might paint on the cover, too. :)
Anyways, today is VERY windy and coming my direction. I thought it was going to knock the lamps over on the table, so I had to close the living room windows--just those. I will probably crack them open later. It is still pretty chilly at the moment. The wind is pounding against the building. Even too windy for the swallows to play this morning.
Caroline comes today around noon! I already have the trash gathered up into one big bag. Just have to pick up the cat toys and anything else I want off the floor for vacuuming. :) It is great to be on days!
It's a nice day, too, so Caroline should be able to vacuum out on the porch today. We've been waiting for a nice day when the apartment was already open, you know? Not raining or 90 degrees out--hehe!
Not sure what I will do today...? :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday-8:45am-Cogitation on being born mid-century
Friday, August 22, 2008
Here's the stack I sewed together. I'm already writing in one--I was out, remember--hehe!
Was a strange day with the workmen...
Today is dark and looks like rain. Says "widely scattered showers or thunderstorms this morning"--well, looks like we might be one of the widely scattered--hehe!
I finished the last season of The Wire. Excellent, as usual. Was sad that it had to end. Not many shows like that around. Hated to see Omar die, but I suppose it was inevitable--live by the sword... Loved to see a clean Bubbles upstairs eating dinner with his sister and her child--and Lester at home with his wife making his miniatures. I doubt McNulty would continue to stay out of trouble, but one can hope! Wonderful show.
I watched a movie called The Life Before Her Eyes:
As the 15th anniversary of a tragic high school shooting approaches, Diana (Uma Thurman) flashes back to a time when her teenage self (Evan Rachel Wood) and best friend, Maureen (Eva Amurri), dreamed of leaving their small town. As she relives the events surrounding the tragedy, drifting between past and present, Diana wonders if she can live with the choice she made that changed their lives forever.
I didn't like it. Not that the acting wasn't really good--it was the storyline, editing, music, etc--missed the boat, as far as I'm concerned. When you read the above synopsis and watch the movie played out as a flashback until the last few minutes--well, maybe I am dumb, but I totally missed the "twist" that it was actually a flash forward and nothing that you had thought was in the present had actually ever even happened at all?? I peeked at one of the specials and that is how I found out the movie was supposed to have a twist like The Sixth Sense.
Sorry--not for me. I loved The Sixth Sense and "got" the twist. In this movie I just thought the grown woman was losing her mind because of the past and that everything was left hanging at the end of the movie--unresolved. I did not think the concept was interesting enough to go back and watch it again after I discovered there had been a twist. If a person was dreaming a "perfect life" right before they died, why would you envision your child being unhappy and then lost (especially if you had just had an abortion) and your future husband cheating on you? Duh! Other people loved it--it's rated as a five star movie on Netflix--I didn't. And I don't feel too badly letting anyone know there is a twist, because you might actually like it better if you already know.
Meanwhile, I am watching The X Files, season two. Some episodes are better than others--kind of like when we used to watch the Twilight Zone or even Star Trek. :) I have enjoyed them all so far.
I'm supposed to get the first DVD of Mad Men today.
It's 1960, and ad executive Don Draper (Jon Hamm) rules the roost at New York's Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency in this Emmy-nominated drama. Living a glamorous existence of never-ending cocktail hours, worry-free smoking and ego-stroking power, ladies' man Draper makes numerous conquests both at work and in his personal life. But the world is beginning to change, and Draper will have to use all his smarts to stay one step ahead of the game.
Mad Men is shown on some cable channel, but I can't remember which one--doesn't say. Since I was a nine years old in 1960, I thought it would be interesting to see a show set back then. The show has gotten such good reviews, too.
Well, I feel like a balloon with no air today. Probably will be a quiet day. :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Mom and Dad arrived and we hung out all afternoon. Mom helped me with bookcards--folded paper for me. Dad played solitaire on the computer--one of his favorite pastimes.
Leah came over about 4pm. They followed her to the motel--dropped off Dad's car--and then went over to give them the tour of their new townhouse. When Dagan got home from work they all came back here. We ordered from Pita Pit for dinner. Was really good! (I had never had a pita before.) Here's Mom finishing hers--(she'll be 80 next February).
My dad--(he'll be 88 this November).
Leah snapped a picture of all of us.
Dagan and Leah dropped Grandma and Grandpa off at the motel and went to help Chuck and Michal unload furniture, etc, into a storage area. The day went fast and I was in bed early. Very sore today--took a pain pill yesterday and was at the table too long--but was worth it. Had a very nice day! :) Won't be long and my folks will be heading back down to Florida for the winter. Was nice to see them.