Busy day yesterday!! :)
First of all, I had been having a terrible time with my YES glue as I worked on Dagan and Leah's books. You apply this paste glue with a brush--bought mine about 8-9 years ago. I "let my fingers do the walking" as the yellow pages commercial used to say. JoAnn's has it online, but not in their store in Fargo. None at Hobby Lobby. But Michael's carried it--tada! I made a trip over in the late morning.
On the way into the lobby downstairs I heard the baby swallows singing away. Hard to see them, but there were two of them on the ledge near the front door. They are the prettiest little birds with a bright rust colored chest. The swallows love our building! I love them, but....
I have been taking these new pills for the IBS and wasn't feeling the best. So it was nice to be able to go, pick up the glue, and go home if I wanted to and skip the rest of the shopping. :) I love having a car!
I went over to Dagan and Leah's about 4pm (and was feeling better by then, too). They have been making trips to the storage area. Still don't have all their things moved in, but it is looking more and more like home as they slowly unpack.
They found the bolts for the table and have the chairs now, also!
Leah is a recyler extrodinaire! She got a new metal wastebasket I thought was awesome! And has her recyling bins lined up--uses heavyduty wastebaskets with built in handles. She brought me one for recyling my catalogs--you've seen it. :)
Chuck and Michal came home. :)
Dagan and Leah loaded up PitaPaseo for me and they were off to watch a softball game. I felt good enough to do my shopping.
Was such a beautiful evening, as you can see. I stopped at BB&B to buy plastic hangers.
Then I went to Target and got milk, headbands, hair ties, and some of my International French Vanilla Cafe. :)
Got home about 7pm--managed to get the entire haul up here in one trip! One bag hanging on either side of me and dragging the cart--and even stopped to get my mail--hehe!
Those big shoulder shopping bags (we had Leah's friend make) will really come in handy now that I have a car! I hadn't used them yet. I have this red one and a denim one. I'll be keeping one in the car and one in the closet up here. Worked really slick--even if I thought I was being choked a couple of times. Won't put anything so heavy in it next time--hehe!
Leah had a few things for me, too. She had stopped at a craft store in St. Cloud and bought these oriental and border stamp sets. And the guardian angel plaque that Ariel burned--Leah drilled holes in the top corners, so it is all ready to be hung. Just have to decide what to use. Probably copper wire. I forgot to ask Leah when Ariel wants this done, but Leah is the wire person, too--so she will be finishing it, anyways.
Speaking of mail...
...I just have to show you this card from Ruby that came with the dried plants. I have it sitting here by the computer. It just cracks me up!!
And Ruby shared some of her catnip with Miss Karma. She gets a bag of homegrown catnip from a lady out in Vermont every year--another cat lover, obviously. :) It is fresh and potent. Karma was up on the desk trying to chew the corner of the envelope, rubbing her head on it, and trying to roll on the package--before I even opened it! hehehe! Thanks, Ruby! She LOVES it!
Leah had a few things for me, too. She had stopped at a craft store in St. Cloud and bought these oriental and border stamp sets. And the guardian angel plaque that Ariel burned--Leah drilled holes in the top corners, so it is all ready to be hung. Just have to decide what to use. Probably copper wire. I forgot to ask Leah when Ariel wants this done, but Leah is the wire person, too--so she will be finishing it, anyways.
I had another package from Ruby yesterday! An old picture of Ruby, Dagan, and I right before Dagan and I moved away from the farm in Boyceville, Wisconsin--close to Menomonie where Ruby still lives. I am going to mail it to Dagan for his book!! My young man was fifteen. :):) (I made a copy for myself, too.)
Leah ordered the cutters we wanted and they had been delivered to her place. I was too tired and sore (forgot to take my pain pill before I went running around yesterday--duh!) to even open them last night.
A mat cutter!! Now we can cut paper up to 32 inches!!!
And this is the 12.5" Dahle personal trimmer!
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