We worked all afternoon.
First--moved everything away from the back wall and swept.
I have to go down today or tomorrow morning to see if I can open the garage door, tho--so I'll try to remember my camera. That is what I am working up to today, hopefully--opening the garage door. I have a couple things to wheel down there from the storage area, too, for the give-away pile. But, first, I have to walk down and see if I can even get the garage door open. No sense wheeling anything down until I check.
I had the maintanence man work on the garage door a while back and it worked really nicely--twice. But when we went down there yesterday, I couldn't get it open. Dagan could barely get it open--again--just like before. I have to know I can get it open before I dare call for a pickup even. I need to talk to the office about installing a garage door opener.
Lots of them have garage door openers, but not all of them. When I moved in I had a choice between $100 dollars off of Cable One or a garage door opener. I didn't have a car then. Turned out all I got was free installation on the Cable One--and they do that periodically for special deals, anyways. Now I DO need a garage door opener. So, I am going to be down at the office on Monday.
I had called them once about a garage door opener after I got the car and was told they run around $300.00. But--why should I pay for a garage door opener for them? Am I supposed to have it uninstalled and take it with me when I move? As a renter I am supposed to have a garage door that is usable. And I need one that I can open basically one-handed (bad arm is part of my disability--I have very little strength in the muscle damaged arm). I might have to get in touch with some agency or another? But, I need to be able to get in and out of that garage now. It had just been used as storage for 3 1/2 years. I have had them work on the handle mechanism twice. But before I could wait for Dagan and Leah to come over because it was too difficult for me to open--no big deal. Now--it IS a big deal.
Wish me luck!
I didn't sleep well. Took another pain pill this morning. I am typing this in my chair on the new laptop--or I wouldn't be blogging at all today. :) Dagan disconnected the desktop computer and then discovered he needed a wire. So--I have to use the laptop for now. No desk computer. They did not seem in any hurry to get the desk computer up and going for me. Were chuckling and teasing me about how this will force me to use the new laptop...
Well, it does have a working battery. And it is lighter. But when you are in pain you don't find things like that all that amusing--hehe! Yet--here I am blogging from my most comfortable chair...?? The end.
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