I have not been able to get onto the sparkpeople.com website for days. ?? I can't open any of the links that came in the email updates from the groups I was in either. "Page cannot be displayed"--cannot access the site at all-period. ?? I guess The Universe might be trying to tell me that I am spending way too much time on Sparks?? Maybe Sparks is not where I should be focusing my attention anymore? Focusing on dieting and weight loss and such hasn't felt right since I have been aware of what I am focusing on--and how I am sending that out as a kind of order to be fulfilled. According to LOA--if you focus on losing weight you will be given extra weight to lose. I have to change my thinking--change my "fat" thoughts--hehe! After I read and heard that, I found sparks to be a place of fat focus, I guess--for me, anyways. I will miss all the positive ladies I met there, tho. Friendly and supportive--I was going to say "in the struggle to lose weight"--and that is exactly what keeps my focus there--on the "struggle"--and I am sending that out. Okay--I guess there's a reason I have been kind of blocked out of Sparks for days, eh? Time to move on, I guess. Onward and upward!! I need to learn to love my body!
I had actually been thinking ever since I saw The Secret on January 15th that I might join The Secret online website called Powerful Intentions I discovered snooping around on The Secret website. I finally decided to just go ahead and do it this morning! If I am going to be spending any computer time chatting--I might as well be chatting and learning about The Secret and The Law of Attraction, right? I thought I'd try it for a month and see how I like it. It's $14.95 a month if you go beyond the free membership--which of course doesn't provide as much--hehe! So--thinking abundantly--I joined! I'll let you know what I think of the website after I learn my way around a bit. :)
I was impressed with Oprah's show on The Secret. I had been worried that they might focus too much on the material side of it, but I didn't think they did. I think they made it very clear that it was about gratitude and how one can be of service in this world. Yes--good things can come to you, too--material things. You can get yourself out of debt, etc. Anything is possible, I guess.
I had to state an intention to The Universe when I joined the powerful intentions website. I put down--"I am healthy." :)
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