Leah isn't sure if she will make it tonight or tomorrow night. Her boss at the second job keeps switching what he wants her to do and she and Dagan have plans for later tonight, I believe. She is going to get me the other set of rabbit ears. I offered to go with her, but I would just slow her down when she's in a hurry--very true--can't argue with that--hehe! :)
So--today I am watching all the craft shows on HGTV that are on all afternoon. Getting in my last fixes! They are going to be changing the programming later in February anyways to shows about homes and gardening. I was glad to hear that. I won't feel as badly about missing the craft shows.
Dagan stopped after work yesterday and fixed the desk computer so I could get on the Internet again. He took the Shaklee Cleaning Kit box. I got to peek inside because Leah was giving me the plasitc dishwasher soap container. The rest of the order is supposed to come today. I am excited because I finally ordered the water pitcher!! Am anxious to try the nice clean fresher tasting water. :)
I managed to sleep during the night again--but in a split shift. I was dragging yesterday and was suddenly so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open at 8pm and went to bed. Woke up at 1am and couldn't get back to sleep until 5am. Slept till 8am. So, I did get in my 8 hours--just not all at once. That's fine.
Still slowly watching all the FarScape episodes I borrowed from Dagan and Leah. I am not even done with Season Two yet! I am enjoying it. I really like this kind of SciFi--space travel stuff. I really liked Firefly and was so disappointed that it only lasted one season!! I borrowed that from Dagan and Leah, too. Already watched Firefly--was a western flavored space series. I remember seeing some of them when they were aired on Fox and being upset it was cancelled. Really cool! I loved it! Apparently Fox didn't even air them in order for some reason? Was like they were trying to have the show fail. :(
Am really excited about Oprah tomorrow!! She is having the show about The Secret!! I emailed almost everybody I know. Got an email back from Karen, a lady I met at MSUM--and they just showed the movie at her work!! Cool!! She said it was AWESOME!!! Yes, it is! And if anybody is interested in buying the DVD, book, audio book, or soundtrack CDs--or watching it online for $4.95---the website is:
Can't tell I am excited about it, eh? I am working at picturing myself healthy first. That is my priority. If I can do that--I can do anything!!! Absolutely anything!!!
So, I am working at silencing my negative inner voice--my constant lifetime companion--hehe!
Anyways, be happy to hear what anybody thinks about The Secret....drop me a line or post a comment here on the blog. soulcomfort1@yahoo.com
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