And what happened to the other batch that you could barely read...???

Karma's been enjoying the heat when it isn't raining. Her cat grass has come up and it's been close to 90 lately! Whew! Hot and sticky!

Wednesday I made an order to Blue Heron Arts (http://www.blueheronarts.com/ and http://www.youtube.com/user/blueheronarts).
He sells these water brushes I have never seen before that have real bristles! He shows on one of his YouTube videos how you can fill them like a piston fountain pen. You stick the brush in some water and screw the piston back up to suck the water into the brush handle. Anyways, I'll post pictures when I get them.
I also ordered a rat whisker brush and a packet of the peach powder. You put the powder into the water you use for CBP and it helps keep the strokes from bleeding as much on the rice paper. :):)
That was the last of my stimulus money. I did my part for the economy in small ways, I guess--from a larger papermill to these pretty cards to a rat whisker brush--hehe! :):)
Oh your cards are gorgeous!! I love them Rita!.
YES SOMEDAY will be your own art work!
am trying to post a comment / not having much success / but wanted to say thank you for you site
Ok / now that I got through / I used your site as a quasi template of what I wanted and how to get there / so thank you so much / I appreciate your organization and your art work and your spirit / have a good day / and Karma too :)
I am delighted with the cards and love that they have print on both sides! Yes--some day... :)
I'm not sure why you had trouble posting. Are you Taiona at
http://dancingcranesstudio.blogspot.com/? If you are--beautiful work!!
Thank you for such kind and wonderful compliments!! Karma thanks you, too! :):)
Let me know if that is you so I can follow your blog, too. :)
Your business cards look fabulous, Rita!
Thanks Serena--I love them! :)
Yes Rita, it's Taiona at Dancing Cranes Studio. I have so appreciated your approach to blogging and have shared it with others (hope you don't mind). I think I have ironed out the initial glitsches I encountered, just because I wasn't used to "all the moves". I found myself going back to your blog frequently for a directional fix. But I think the first step is done - there is Dancing Cranes (Studio, Kaleidoscopes, Mussings, and Visions) This was also modeled by your url connections :). Now if only I can get my physical house organized :). I have 10 days off next week and that is the goal!
Hi Taiona!
Oh my goodness! No I don't mind at all! If I could have helped in any small way I am so glad. (I think I am blushing!) Mine is such a simple blog? I don't have all the bells and whistles that so many of them have. I can hardly keep up with the websites I do have--hehe! You do lovely work and I will pop by when I can. Hope you can stop back sometimes, too. Nice to meet you! :):)
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