These gorgeous paintings came in the mail yesterday! They're from Sibylla who's in the CBP group. She's a wonderful German lady living in China who writes about her experiences there and makes us feel like we have come right along with her.

Karma had been out on the porch in the sun all morning. By the time I left to go find the lamp store in the afternoon she was sound asleep in her stroller. And she never moved while I was gone so that means she was truly exhausted from the heat--because she is usually somewhere by the door waiting for me when I come home--hehe!
They re-painted the parking lot yesterday, too. Good! You couldn't see the lines any more. It was chaotic trying to park out there.
Well, I found the lamp place and the lady is going to order me the new glass shield--but she doesn't carry the bulbs. She called me later about the shield and told me there's a store in north Fargo that does carry the bulbs--The Lighthouse. How nice of her to call and find out for me--wow! So I can make a trip up there and buy a new bulb. Not today, tho--I slept very, very poorly for some reason. Caroline is coming to clean today, too. I'll try to make it over this week.

I have had the boxes stacked to hold the silver tablelamp on this end table for over two years. It is going to be so strange to be able to clear those off of there. Wow! Will sure have more room! That's a small end table in the first place--hehe! About time I got the lamp fixed and functional again, eh?
what a talented lady sibylla are very lucky. those baby birds are sooooo cute!
with the house being colder now in the mornings and evenings because of winter, cody is often reluctant to move from his cosy, warm spot whereas, normally, he's like my shadow. i guess they feel the cold too despite all that fur.
oh, doesn't the parking lot look snazzy!
it was so nice of that lady to find out where the bulbs are sold for you. that's what i call good service.
they are saying we might get rain tomorrow. rainy days in winter usually mean very bleak, cold days....perfect for staying indoors and snuggling up with a good book ~ :)
maybe the rain will coold things down a little for you.
i hope you had a nice day ~
The rain has cooled it down a little bit--yes! Happy me! I did have a nice day. :)
People like Sibylla and the lady at the lamp store--really restore your faith in the kindness of people, don't they? Lifts my heart! :):)
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