Saturday, November 19, 2011


Eighteen degrees. It's still very dark, but I think there's a little snow that didn't melt overnight--not much, though.
For somebody who loves the heat like Miss Karma, it is funny how much she loves to eat snow. She keeps asking to go out on the porch because she knows it's cold enough and she can see the tasty white stuff when she looks out the window. Her water dish has turned to a small block of ice and she can lick that, but she is hoping for snow. Not enough wind in the right direction to make it through the screen...yet. Karma is patient.
I played briefly with the first layer on the next page spread. I decided I am working on backgrounds for now. Too tired to deal with much else. Going on very little sleep.
This spread is vastly different than the green, lush one.
This is pastels and polka dots--LOL! Almost comical, but it is just a first layer.
Dagan's dad was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. He was scheduled for surgery this coming Wednesday, but ended up in the hospital again yesterday and is having the surgery this morning at 9am. They won't know till they get in there how bad it is or if it has spread. Dagan and Leah left work midday yesterday to go see him in the hospital in Alexandria, Minnesota and drove back home last night. Dagan said they were leaving this morning at 5am for the hospital so they could be there by 7am so they could see him before surgery. I hope there is good news today. Prayers or positive thoughts would be appreciated.
May you have a quiet weekend filled with good things!
Me, I hope mine is eventually filled with sleep. ;)


DJan said...

So sorry to hear about Dagan's dad. I do hope they find it hasn't spread when they get in there. I will keep him (and you) in my prayers. Hugs to you.

Beth said...

My prayers are being said along with many others for Dagan's dad that the surgery will be successful.

I do hope you are able to get rested up over the weekend.


Rita said...

Djan--Thanks so much! Prayers are appreciated. :)

Beth--I hope they will get better news, too. Thanks. :)

tammy vitale said...

Prayers for Dagan's Dad. Brother in Law just diagnosed and had surgery for throat cancer (2 weeks after backsurgery fusing some verterbrae). Girlfriend has cancer that seems now to be spreading. Will wrap him with them every morning and evening with prayers for the highest good.

betty said...

Will say a prayer for Dagan's father and the family; such a terrible disease that cancer is, no matter what part of the body. And to deal with it so close to the holidays.

Too cute with Karma and liking to eat snow! Koda loved to frolic in the snow when we lived in Montana, but hates to go out in the rain here, go figure!

Hope you do get some sleep!!


Kelly said...

Hope all goes well! I like the sunny start that you have to your journal spread. Sometimes art can be really cathartic!

Gwen said...

Sorry you are havng an anxious time; I do hope all goes well!

Your backgrounds will be very useful so keep plugging at them.
Hope you get some much-needed sleep!
Gwen xx

carol l mckenna said...

My prayers, thoughts and reiki distant healing energy are on their way to you all ~ lots of hugs too.

Sky photo is fanatastic ~ Karma is a sweetie!
Loving your fun with making backgrounds ~ get some sleep ~ zzzzzzzzzzzzzz ~ namaste, Carol ^_^

Have a wonderful weekend ~

Rebag said...

UGH snow falling here too...I LOVE your papers...the colors..can not wait to see what you create with them!!

Prayers. positive thoughts and affirmations heading your way.....Please keep us posted

Blessings to you and stay warm!!

Dee Ready said...

Dear Rita,

I hope the operation goes well for Dagan's dad and that the cancer has not spread. I'm visualizing a hospital room filled with healing white light.


Carolyn Dube said...

Prayers & good thoughts coming your way. Fingers and toes crossed that you get rest and good news soon!

AliceKay said...

I hope the surgery went well for Dagan's dad. Will keep him in my prayers as well.

(don't worry, will come soon enough)

Serena Lewis said...

After a recent cancer scare with my brother, I know the worry and fear everyone must be dealing with at the moment. Prayers and well wishes that Dagan's Dad will have a good outcome just as my brother did.

Your page spread makes me smile and think happy thoughts. I'm looking forward to seeing where it ends up.

I hope you manage to get some sleep, Rita.

Serena xo

giddy up said...

Sorry to hear your news about Dagan's Dad....
Love what you are doing with you're background, looks good!

Toriz said...

Karma has the right idea; appreciate all kinds of weather while you have them to enjoy! ;)

Hope all went well for Dagan's Dad.

And I also hope you got some sleep in the end!

*Sending hugs and positive thoughts*

Rita said...

Tammy--Thanks for wrapping him with them in your prayers! :)

Betty--Thanks! It is a terrible disease.
Well, rain is very different than snow. Snow you can frolic in for a while before you actually get wet--LOL! ;)

Kelly--Hello! Yes, art can certainly be cathartic--so true! I'm checking out your blog. Hope you pop by again. :)

Gwen--Thanks! Backgrounds and layering are new to me and kind of fun!
I did get some sleep! :)

Carol--Awesome! Long distance reiki healing! Thanks! Have a great Sunday!

Reba--You ended up with quite a bit of snow and we got very little at all. Who knew! Thanks for all the positives and good energy. :):)

Dee--White healing light! Thanks for the visual and your support. :)

Carolyn--Thanks so much! I slept some and I'll post the news. :)

AliceKay--I'll post here soon this morning (Sun). Yes, the snow will come soon enough--LOL! ;)

Serena--With Leah's mom dying this year of cancer, not what they wanted to hear, of course.
I think I needed a bright and sillier background this time--LOL! :)

Karen--Thanks! I might play some more with the page spread on Sunday. :)

Rita said...

Tori--I think the only weather Karma doesn't like is rain--the getting wet, I mean. She like watching anything through the window on her CatTV--LOL!
Thanks for the hugs and positive thoughts! I hope you are feeling better now, too. :)

Jennibellie said...

Positive thoughts are with you Rita dear, hope all goes well do let us know won't you? When I'm tired I do backgrounds, lets out some of the creativity and any negative emotions, thanks for sharing and just to let you know I really appreciate all of your kind comments through this month, thanks so much :)

Rita said...

Jenny--Thanks! Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who does backgrounds when I'm tired. ;) I appreciate you coming and commenting on my blog, too, lady!! :):)

Desiree said...

I missed this post, Rita, but I'm so happy for all of you to hear everything went smoothly.

Rita said...

Desiree--Oh, thanks a lot!! :):)

Intense Guy said...

My thoughts and prayers with Dagan and his dad... and with Karma with her snow (not to trivialize the former)...

Toriz said...

*Chuckles about cat TV*

I'm getting there; starting to feel like I can face the day, so that's a start. :)

Rita said...

Iggy--Thanks! Hoping for good news on Dagan's dad this week.
Yes, Karma is hoping for snow--LOL!

Tori--I'm glad. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm playing catch up again. I love your spicy polkadots! Karma cracks me up wanting to eat snow... that's better than what blue eats outside.

I sure hope things went okay with the surgery. I have seen people get BCG treatments where they instill the bladder with chemo treatments. It doesn't look fun at all. I'll be thinking of him.

Rita said...

Donna--Oh, Blue! No!
I just realized that I think I forgot to tell the results of the pathology. Dagan just told me yesterday. All good. :):) I'll have to say something tomorrow (Fri).