Friday, November 04, 2011


I realized that I had forgotten the prompt yesterday, but they don't post them on the weekend so I can catch up then if I want to. Too much other stuff to tell it is technically Friday and I am we go! ;)
I had no idea Dagan was taking some pictures with my camera. He caught Karma napping under the art table in her cat bed...
...Leah at the craft table (she was very tired and still coughing, poor thing)...
...himself sitting in my chair--LOL!
Surprised me at the craft table...
...and Leah just laughed because she had seen him coming--LOL!
So, I snapped a pic of Dagan, too. Not knowing he had already taken one of himself.
Silly! was a productive night!
First thing they jumped the Paseo...which took a while because it had been sitting there dead for about a month or more. They got the boxes onto my little green cart for me that I wanted--photos and nostalgia! I wheeled that inside while Leah zoomed the car around for a while and then parked it in the parking lot and left it running. Later Dagan went down and parked it back in the garage.
So, I have transportation again. I need to get some gas for her next week. I am going to aim for taking her out once a week. Then if I can't make it some weeks--well, maybe I can average out to 2-3 times a month, I'm hoping.
We had dinner. I am really impressed with the Quorn brand of fake chicken and hamburger. Dagan and Leah even liked it okay, too. Made a chicken and rice stir fry with steamed broccoli and had chocolate brownie frozen yogurt for dessert! :)
Dagan puttered about with computers. He has a new tiny laptop he got at BestBuy that's not much larger than a big tablet. He checks for updates on my computers for me. (I am not allowed to download anymore due to grievous errors in judgment--LOL!) Don't ask me how, but he saw I had recorded a program on Steve Jobs that was on PBS and he copied it onto his tiny laptop so he could watch it later! The mysteries of the computer world. ;)
Meanwhile, Leah sliced up apples and set them up in the dehydrator. She soaked them in a lemon juice and water bath first so they wouldn't turn brown. I'll take pictures. We are trying to make apple chips. She told me Subway now actually sells apple chips!
Leah and I figured out a very, very simple Christmas card to make this year. This is all I will show you so far...hehe!
I was showing Leah my gifts and some of the new things I had purchased last month. She wanted to see my new glass pen from GouletPens--that actually works! Leah had also bought a glass pen years ago that never worked, either, that she finally gave away. So she wanted to play with one that actually!
We got to talking and I told her how I had heard that you were supposed to be able to use sandpaper on the tip to try to fix them if they didn't work. I had tried it a little, but didn't notice it helped at all with my old cobalt blue set. Okay, they didn't work anyways, right? So I told Leah she was welcome to play around with the sandpaper and see what she could do with them. What could it hurt? I've had them 20-25 years and they have never worked anyways. So we weren't worried about ruining them, right? Lo and behold...
Leah created a glass pen miracle!!!
She actually got these two old glass pens to work!! I still can't believe it!! We were so excited that Dagan had to come over and see what the heck was happening--LOL! I will have to make a video about how she fixed them and show you how they work.
I know. I know. I promised a glass pen video and haven't gotten around to it yet. Slow as molasses in January! Now I have even more exciting stuff to show you, so maybe it was a good thing I was slow...this time--LOL!]
Was wonderful to see them both. I hope Leah rests up and gets well. She's on the mend, though. It's been such a year. We are glad we figured out the simplest cards we could make this year. No extras for etsy this time, either. The shop is on hold until after the holidays. Come 2012 I will be getting that car out and about--hehe! Planning on me going over to their place for a while to work with Leah on the etsy shop instead of them coming over here. Maybe make some handmade paper, too. All those supplies are over at their place. We'll see. :)
Not sure how much longer I'll be awake. (Starting to yawn.) I'll probably do the Thursday and Friday prompts this weekend. Weekend! The weekend is almost here already. Goodness! Well, enjoy it to the fullest!! Be back soon!! :):)


Desiree said...

What a busy day you had! You certainly did have a wonderfully surprised look in the photo Dagan snapped of you. He reminds me of my son, who also takes pictures of us when we aren't expecting them and then always includes a silly one of himself, his foot, big toe or nose. I'm so glad to hear you'll be getting out and about a bit now that your car is running again. I can't wait to see your Christmas card design once its made up. Enjoy your weekend, Rita. I'm sorry I've not been around as regularly as I'd like, but things are just so busy around here and I'm really finding it hard to keep up with all I need to do.

Serena Lewis said...

I loved the photos, Rita!

YAY on getting the Paseo started!

I LOVE the Quorn cheese and spinach chicken style schnitzels! When I first gave them to Beau (who is vegetarian too) he had a hard time believing they weren't real chicken. lol I have the Quorn mince (hamburger) but haven't used it yet. Do you get the Quorn sausage rolls there?? Delicious! Your dinner sounded yummy!

Can't wait to see your Christmas card design.

Leah has an amazing FIX-IT talent! How great is it that she got the pens to work?! I'll look forward to the video.

Btw, were are you getting the prompts from, Rita??

So glad you had a nice catch-up with Dagan and Leah.

See you tomorrow,

Serena xo

DJan said...

It sounds like it was a very productive visit, and that battery will run down again unless you use the car once in a while, Rita. Glad you have "wheels," though.

Teresa Evangeline said...

Wow, Those blue glass pens are beautiful. It sounds like you had a good evening with your son and his lady. Hope you got some sleep!

Dee Ready said...

Dear Rita, your late-night posting is filled with the joy of being with family. Of course, Karma is always with you but seeing a human face now and again keeps us, or least keeps me, in the realm of sanity!

I so love to see your pens and what you can do with them. Who would imagine that sandpaper would work with glass pens? And I'm eager to see the Christmas card you two will produce.

Now let me thank you for commenting on my blog yesterday. You know, there really was a lot of laughter in the convent among the postulants and novices. Of course much of it was done when we weren't supposed to be talking and so culpas were made, but doing things in silence can lead to great giddiness!


AliceKay said...

I enjoyed the pics of you and your family. I hope Leah is feeling better very soon.

Woohoo on Leah getting the pens to work! :)

Sometimes it's the most simplest (is that a word?) Christmas card that is the most loved.

I have to be to work at noon today, but the sun is out and it's warming up a bit, so I'm hoping for a good day. It's gonna be really busy because we're closed tomorrow for my niece's wedding, but hopefully I'll get thru it okay.

Have a great weekend!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Your little kitty looks plumb tuckered out!!! That's just how I felt the end of the day yesterday.

I'm so glad your Leah is feelin' better. 'Prayin' for complete recovery!!

Isn't it good to know we can still be surprised?

God bless ya and have a wonderful weekend sweetie!!! :o)

Beth said...

I loved the photos and the post Rita. So wonderful, seeing pictures of you all!!

I like the idea of a simple Christmas card. Most of the time simple is better in all things!


Toriz said...

Sounds like a really nice evening; poor Leah though... Hope she feels better soon! :)

YAY for having transport again.

Yeah, the quorn stuff is pretty good.

Let me know how those apple chips work out. :)

YAY for getting those old pens to work! :)

Yeah, how did the weekend get here so fast?

Intense Guy said...

Go Leah and Dagan!!!

Pens working, computers tended... and smily people getting their pichures took!


Rita said...

Desiree--Ha! He knows how I hate having my picture taken and he loves the goofy looks I get on my face! Sounds like our sons have that in common, although Dagan didn't take a picture of his toe--LOL! He got Karma (proof that she has gotten calmer when they visit) and himself in the chair. :)
No worries! I am just glad to see you whenever you can stop by!!

Serena--Cashwise just started carrying the brand and only has a few things--but if everybody tries these (we have a vegetarian group in Fargo that pushes for new foods, I guess) they should have more! The first thing I tried was a breaded chicken patty just nuked in the micro and popped in a bun. I was not expecting to like it because I can't stand any of the Boca brand chicken. Well, I had to go back and check the box to see that it wasn't real chicken! Dagan was teasing me last night when I was cooking dinner (hungry, he's always right there to help stirring) because I told him that story and how it said on the box no meat, no soy...and that I refused to read the ingredients--"It is just too good--for now, I don't want to know"--so he was threatening to read the package and I was keeping him away from the freezer--ROFL! We we're making jokes about maybe it was actually dead disguised chickens, silly!!
I've tried the hamburger patties and crumbles and they were better than the Boca brand. I hope they get more products from Quorn! Everything you mentioned I'd love to try if they carry it!
Oh, and the prompts are from the noblopomo site. :)

Djan--Yes, we had a fun night and got a lot done and had some giggles. :) Now I have to get the car out and about so I stay mobile--LOL! ;)

Teresa--I'm still in shock that Leah got the pens to work! Happy! :) I didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked, but doing okay, thanks!! :)

Dee--Close people you trust, whether they are family or friends, is the best company in the world!
I know! All these years I never once thought of sandpaper! And then, I was afraid to really rub very hard when I heard about it. So great that it worked. Leah has the touch!
I have no doubt that there was laughter. Humans need it, whether they realize it or not. But the having to apologize for it, do penance, repress it, and that it wasn't actually allowed...that is what would wear on my soul. ;)

Rita said...

AliceKay--I'll have to try to do a video this weekend. So exciting that they work!
I often love minimalistic cards. We were very happy with what we came up with. ;)
Have fun at your niece's wedding! :)

Nezzy--Karma was tucker out! In fact, I am keeping an eye on her lately. She hasn't acted quite like herself the past few days. Might be the change in the weather and that I've had it pretty cool in here. I turned the heat on and we'll see if she perks up. ;)
Oh, I can still be surprised--that's for sure--LOL!!
I do hope Leah is better soon. They're busy all weekend, too. She looked so tired and was really draggin', you know? Thanks for your prayers, lady!! You are always like a ray of sunshine!

Beth--Thanks so much! I usually forget to take pictures whenever I have company or go anywhere. If Dagan hadn't been being a goof I would have forgotten again. ;)
So right! Simpler is usually better. :):)
Have a great weekend!

Tori--She needs some days and nights off. They always have plans, plans, plans. They're busy all weekend and every night till they come back next Wednesday. Oh to be young and (normally) energetic. Of course, I never ran that much when I was young, either. Always had the homebody side, too--which turns out to be a really, really good thing considering--LOL!
Give Kero a good long scratching from me. :)

Iggy--Yup! Was a good night for techie stuff, craft stuff, laughing, silliness, good food, fixing old things....definitely a food for the soul night. ;)
Hope you are feeling better and it was a good birthday!!! :):)

betty said...

Glad you got transportation again; I'm sure that was a relief! Seems like a good visit; sorry though that Leah is under the weather, seems to be that time of year! Hoping too you got some sleep, way too early in the morning to be on the computer!


Queenie Jeannie said...

Sounds like you had a very nice visit!!! I miss my older two kids so much!

Yay on the glass pens!!! Can't wait to see that video - when you feel up to it!

You KNOW I clicked to enlarge the shot of your Christmas card supplies!!! Star brads?? Looking forward to it!

I can't sleep either. I'm going to have to get out my Blue Light Special. The days have been soooo dark and rainy, and very "short" and it's messing up my sleep again. Four hours just isn't enough by a long shot!

I hope you have a wonderful, playful weekend!

Carolyn Dube said...

A glass pen? I have never heard of such a thing. The blue ones look beautiful - can't wait to learn more about them!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes those surprise photos can be such a blessing. My youngest son was always sneaking my digital camera and I would get onto him until one day I noticed how well his shots were. He took a picture of the neighbor's little boy in his mom's flower garden and the picture turned out so well I had to show her. She got it framed LOL So I started letting Ry use my camera as long as he was careful. He tends to take pictures of things you'd never notice.... like a flower surrounded by rocks or a flower with a broken stem.... we are actually going to try to buy him one of his own for christmas this year.

I love it that you used that expression "slow as mollases in January"... my dad used to say that all the time. As a little girl growing up in Alaska I was confused by that phrase.... because in January here NOTHING moved - not even molasses.

Love it that leah managed to fix the glass pens! They are so pretty!

I had one of my down days today and slept most of the day. I'd get up for a while and end up laying back down. Blue spent the day laying at the side of my bed looking up at me. So not much got done today (uh, I mean yesterday)


Rita said...

Betty--Thanks! I never do as well when I am sleeping during the day, so I hope I get back to regular hours, to. :)

Jeannie--I was thinking this weekend for the video, but we'll have to see about the banging dryer flap and me being exhausted.
They're not brads, though. They're tiny little stars we bought years ago at some craft place. You do have to glue them on. We have them in gold, copper, and silver. Ha! I'm not the only one who "embiggens" to see supplies...well, and all kind of things...better--LOL!
I hope you get some sleep, too. :)

Carolyn--When I first laid eyes on them I just had to have them! I had never heard of them either until I ran across this set in a small shop in Minneapolis so many years ago I can't remember even which shop. They're perfect for testing ink colors and are so easy to clean! Not the best for writing, but okay. Better than a quill pen, that's for sure--LOL! :)

Donna--That sounds like a pretty shot of the boy in the flower garden. I think that a camera sounds like the perfect gift for him as he seems to have the knack. Nice!
My folks said that, too, and there was nothing not frozen in Minnesota, either--ROFL!!
I know all about down days. Only I spend them in my chair instead of bed usually. Days when your body feels flu weak...where you can hardly lift your ahead up...I call them my noodle days. I'm having an almost noodle day today from lack of sleep--LOL! I hope you feel better quickly. *big gentle hugs* ;)

Desiree said...

great times, all the pics!
I am again oncall this weekend so I had hoped it to be quiet and I could get some cleaning and crafting done...and no it has not been quiet and I have the oncoming flu, or it is trying to get me but I am trying to fight it so I am uber tired and it did not help I could not rest but it has so far quieted down for the evening and I hope to not get any 2 am calls! :)
glad the little car is going gotta make sure you get her out especially since it is colder now, I just bought 2 new tires last week that makes 3 in less than a month to replace tires that were not even more than a year old due to nails in them, so frustrating but such is life cannot control it but sad to see that money go lol

I cannot wait to see what you come up with for cards, I really need to get to working on some Christmas stuff myself!!!!

Rita said...

Desi--We had fun! You can see I am like a pumpkin with legs after sitting around at home for almost seven years--hehe! ;)
I hope you get through being on call without losing too much more sleep. I'm too tired to move, so pretty soon I'll be able to sleep--whether the dryer vent is banging or not. :)
That's awful about the tires! They are quite an expense, too! Let's hope that is the last flat!!
I am glad we finally got organized on the Christmas cards. Whew! The year is flying by! Hope you get to your Christmas stuff soon, to.
Have a great Sunday! :):)