I went around and took pictures of my helpful props! Here's my two Levenger lap desks. I have a couple of small pillows, like the pink one you see leaning against the endtable--I put one on my lap first and then set the lap desk on top. I usually keep one in the living room and one in the bedroom (for writing or reading in bed).
This is my very favorite letter writing friend! This red leather portfolio has traveled with me a lot, too. I forgot to mention that the calendar holder is a suede leather--and that got more worn looking faster. This portfolio in smooth leather has also been drug to school and stuffed in my purse for many years, but has held up remarkably well.
My usual stationery--hehe! Very familiar to many of you!
This is where I write most of the time. I can hook the portfolio under the elastic strap on my lap desk and it works like a charm for me! But changing positions is essential for me, so I switch over to sitting at the table, sometimes, and I have to switch from chair to chair. When I am in the chairs--I use the lap desk.
This little plastic holder that I got at Office Max was invaluable for when I was writing up papers for school. I could scribble notes by hand and then clip them onto this while I typed it onto the computer. Now, I use it mostly for holding the pictures I am trying to copy when I paint or draw. This vase card is a watercolor I made watching an instruction program--just found it a couple days ago. I had put it underneath some heavy stuff to flatten it out and forgotten it--hehe! Looked better to me now that I haven't seen it for so long and can't recall as vividly what it was supposed to look like--ha!
Here's my other wooden book holder and the leather book weight. Can't tell I like red, eh? This holder is adjustable with the moveable pegs to hold small or large books. It faithfully held many books for long hours for me while I studied and wrote papers for college. Now--it holds cookbooks for me when I am working on a new recipe.
These clipboards were used constantly in college. Took notes in class with them, too. I still use them to write letters with sometimes, but not as often as I used to. When I write poetry--that is something I can't do on the computer for some reason--these come out right away!
This "reader's table" gets used in the bedroom every single day. Usually have my laptop on it (Leah is borrowing) and do my morning pages in bed when I get up. But I also use it to read and write, too, instead of the lap desk sometimes.
Another little trick so that I don't have to hang on to the notebook (or clipboard)--prop it up against a stone coaster or something thick enough and heavy enough so that the paper doesn't move when you write.
o, those are some of the accomodations I have made over the years for reading and writing because they are so important to me. Where there's a will there's a way, right?Right now, I am actually off to read more of The Thorn Birds. Remember the miniseries with Richard Chamberlain? I will have to see if they have it at Netflix after I am done reading the book.
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