These mini paint pots are called Twinkling H2Os. They are dry cakes of shimmery watercolor paints--made by the same company that makes Radiant Pearls (also shimmery and wonderful!). You can spray the cake with your water mister or use a wet paintbrush. You can use these on paper, wood, polymer clay, glass--all kinds of surfaces, I guess. Depending on how much water you use, you can have concentrated color or a thin wash--just like regular watercolor paints. They come in 144 colors. This is the kit of 24 that I picked out.

To most of you--I am speaking Greek, I know. But to the crafty folk--you know what I am talking about--cool, eh? Can hardly wait to play with them. Leah and I should be done with the Christmas cards by the time these arrive. (I plan to use them in the secret project, of course, too. One of the reasons I got them--*she whispers*)
I am still on days--tada! I did wake up at 1am and couldn't get back to sleep--but I forced myself to just stay in bed. Dozed a little off and on till I finally got up at 4am. I have a scratch pad next to the bed--so if I thought of something to do or to remember I could jot it down to keep it from rolling around in my head--ha! I always do that if I wake up enough--start that darn thinking--hehe! I am really trying to stay on this schedule or close to it--sleeping nights, anyways--so little things like that help.
I have tried so many things over the years--but the one thing I hadn't tried was going to bed between 7-10pm. To a night owl--that feels absolutely sacrilegious!! But--I set the VCR if there is anything I really don't want to miss and sometimes even turn off the TV and go read in bed -- during prime time, mind you! Me! The TV Baby! LOLOLOL!!! And getting up in the middle of the night or the very early and dark morning--still gives this night owl the delicious feeling I am up during the night, you know? We'll see how long this lasts. I'd be happy if I could be in bed before 2am and up before noon--in the long run, I mean. Time will tell. :)
I caught the end of an interview on Oprah on Friday that I was thinking about in the middle of the night. This homeless, alcoholic man was given $100,000 if they could make a documentary about how it changed his life and how he spent the money. He blew thru the money--giving a lot of it away (even bought this one guy a car and I got the impression he didn't know him that well--like he was trying to buy friends?)--even got married (but she dumped him when the money was gone)--and he is right back on the streets. And what did he say he learned? That he couldn't trust people, he felt very let down, etc, etc. Sadly--I had to laugh!! I have lived with alcoholics and, in my experience, nothing is ever their fault. He fit the pattern to a tee--felt so sorry for himself. Oprah was shocked, you could tell, when he said he learned he couldn't trust people. She said, what do you mean? "People" gave you $100,000!!! She tried to get him to see that he wasted the money and it was his own fault he was back on the streets--but talking to an alcoholic is like talking to the wind. In his mind--he was a victim. So sad!! And this is some documentary that is coming out, but I didn't catch where. Theaters, TV, Cable??? Not sure. Be interesting to watch--albeit sad and frustrating to observe.
What would you do with $100,000?
I could buy all 144 colors of Twinkling H2Os!! LOLOLOL!!!
Seriously--what would I do with $100,000? I'd really have to think about that one...
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