Wednesday- 10:30am
Here's my God Jar. Nothing fancy. It's a handmade jar I bought many, many years ago at a craft fair from a potter--just decided to use it for my God jar. I was writing down a few things yesterday for New Year's Eve.
This is my weekly schedule/chart. I've been keeping this for several years. Especially helps with not remembering as well as I used to (fibro). And fits my nearly compulsive personality, too--hehe! The only thing I've managed to figure out on that computer program--excel? Can't even remember the name of it. Took me forever to get this put together, that's for sure. I did it on my own without help--by trial and error--back when I was in college.
I finished up another 34 cards in the last two days. Here are some more samples. The bird cards (on top) are done in pastel pencils--that's why they look so pale.
This is the finished stack of cards. They aren't fancy. I write a lot of letters--that's why I like to mass produce cards to have something to throw my letters, written on small legal pads, inside of--hehe! Gives me an excuse to play, right?
Now--I am finished using up all the stamping odds and ends I had laying around from over the years. I can move on to the stack of handmade paper I have to make cards out of. I have some copies of pictures I've painted that I can use on the fronts of cards and a lot of old cards & interesting things to recyle and use for cards, too. Those are the next projects to finish up. I am trying to tie up all the loose ends, as they say. Go thru and clean out all the half-done "stuff" that has been lying around waiting for me to come back, finish, and send them off into the world with postage. :)
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