Once I got into the yarn satchel...hehehe! Most of them have yarns this time. :) Been so long since I have used the yarns and thicker threads that I forgot that you CAN use any number of holes--odd or even!! Duh! With the thicker, fluffier yarns I use a bigger screw bit and have the holes farther apart (use six instead of eleven). Doesn't really work well to use the awl with the thicker yarns--too hard to get the yarns thru the smaller holes.
Anyways, I assembly-lined them. Got them all ready to sew and the choices made for yarn/thread--all stacked up. Only put together a few, as you can see. That is what I plan continue with today. :)
We are expected to have snow for three days. So, I need to contact Leah about being my back-up ride for the oral surgeon's consultation on Thursday...?? PitaPaseo is not good in the ice and slick snow--plus I basically haven't been driving, either, for the past almost ten years. I would never have made it to the last dentist appointment at all if it weren't for Leah. I would never have gotten the car out of the garage! Remember the snow we got stuck in by the garages? Pita is very low to the ground and a light car--so--we'll have to see when it actually stops snowing and how much we get and if they have time to plow before Thursday afternoon--hehe!
Leah was planning on coming over tomorrow to work on labeling--weather permitting, of course. I hope she can come. I always love it when she and/or Dagan come to visit! :):) And it would be nice to finally finish this cleaning project before I am recovering from tooth surgery--hehe!
BTW--I am waiting for Leah because this last part involves a lot of repetitious lifting and wrist movement. Just in case you were wondering. Certain things like that are just hard on my left arm. I can do them--but just a few a day. So then I might as well wait for Leah so that we can do them all at once. I can do the parts that won't put my arm out. We're a good team. :):)
Have a great day! Those of you who are in the middle of a snowstorm like me--hope you can stay home or drive carefully! :)
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