I started working on the satchel labels before Leah got here. Had to cut down and shorten the end of the cardstock that went inside of the satchel first--and then attach the label card onto the satchel with poster tack. So they won't fall out or get lost.
I snapped a couple pictures from the lobby of what the snow walls looked like when I went down to check my mail.

Leah arrived and she cut my hair for me before we left. We went and picked up Dagan on our way to the hospital.
BTW--while we were gone for the CT scan they started pushing the snow right across the length of the yard so that those snow walls are gone now. You could see this process of shifting the snow piles all over town yesterday. They make it hard to see at the intersections and can be dangerous. The city hauls away the snow piles in dump trucks--little by little. :) And a snow pile can take up a lot of valuable parking space for merchants, too. I wonder where they dump all that snow?
Anyways, the CT scan went quickly. I wasn't told if I was going to be called with the results, but I will hear eventually, right? I may be wrong, but I didn't have any bad feelings about that mysterious shadow when I was looking at it on the x-ray. ??
We came back here and made dinner. Then I worked on finishing attaching the satchel labels and Dagan and Leah worked on cleaning all the small drawers in the tall rubber stamp cabinet. We finished!! tada!!!
This was a huge cleaning and reorganizing project that Leah and I started at the beginning of the year. Sooooo glad we are done! :):)
Happy dance! Happy dance!

Dagan and Leah were gone before 9pm. Karma was so exhausted from hiding under the bed from company that she didn't even wake up when I took her picture with the flash. Didn't even crack an eye open--hehe!
This is more what it really looked like in the dark of night. She didn't move a muscle--chuckle!
It was funny and a little strange yesterday. Dagan said things have come around full circle. Now he was the one waiting for me in a hospital waiting room--hehe! When I had my hysterectomy back in 1995 he was in college up here in Moorhead and I was down in the Twin Cities--so he wasn't around, you know? My friend, Lynnette, was with me for that surgery. She's an LPN and really watched out for me. Thanks, Lynnette!!

I did sleep last night! Kind of collapsed--10 hours! Ahhh! And it is 37 degrees right now!! Melting! A crack the windows open afternoon! :)
Thanks to everyone who has sent me prayers and well-wishes!! I need them! I feel them! Bless you!! :) :)
WOW! I can see why those snow walls would cause a bit of havoc around town.
With CT scans here, we are given a follow up appointment with our doctor to discuss results. I'm praying that the dark shadow on your Xray is nothing major.
I think an ETSY shop would be a great idea. I, for one, LOVE your book cards. I haven't gotten around to making any myself but I do think they're a lovely idea.
Well done to you and Leah on finishing such a monumental task. How organised everything is now.
Karma made me smile...what a 'big' day she had...lol
It went into the 40's the next day and everything is melting away into puddles! But those huge snowpiles take a long time to melt down--hehe!
We are so THRILLED to be done with the cleaning project!! I wanted to get done before my surgery, for sure.
I might hear from him on the CTscan before--but because I have to have surgery regardless of what the shadowy area is, he never mentioned talking to me before then. No news is good news??
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